Super baby to the hospital
On Tuesday, he still felt warm, so no day care. My wife and I were supposed to switch in the middle of the day, but she decided to take the whole day. Tuesday night produced fevers and Tylenol. On Wednesday, he stayed home with me in the morning where he took a long nap while watching Finding Nemo (truly his mother's child). He was rambunctious as usual, but Wednesday night brought back the fevers. Thursday morning Oliver and I took a trip to the doctor's office. His O2 levels were down and he started on steroid breathing treatments. Grandma came and stayed with him Thursday afternoon. Friday morning Oliver and his mother went back to the doctor for a checkup and a breathing treatment. Friday afternoon the whole family got to pack up and head to the hospital.
Our hospital visit has been generally positive. Oliver's O2 levels are coming back up. He gone from a liter of O2 to a half-liter to a quarter of a liter to room air. His breathing treatments have gone from every two hours to every three hours and soon to every four hours. His appetite has been sparse and he's getting more difficult to confine to the room even as mom and especially dad want a break from wandering around the hospital. We've gone to see the babies (don't worry - he's not contagious - we checked) innumerable times, taken innumerable rides in the elevator, rode up and down the escalator for fifteen minutes at a crack, been down every hallway that we can a couple of times. So you can imagine how I felt when he sat most of the way up in bed and vomited all over himself for the first time in the hospital tonight.
I'm just not cut out to be a hospital parent. And I'm the one that has been getting the breaks - home to get stuff and feed the cat, out for food for parents. I don't know how she does it.