Sunday, March 06, 2005

Magic night

Tonight was Magic night at my house. Unlike some of my other gaming nights, this one has not been scheduled for a regular time slot. So whenever I play, I tend to make the most of it. Tonight was no exception as Mike, Jorge, Eva, and I played from 6-1:30 more or so uninterrupted. And I loved it.

I used to play more back in the day. I was introduced to the game during my sophmore year in college. I'd get together with a couple of friends from school and while away a few hours bashing each other with creatures. Good fun. But then my addictive nature kicked in and I started buying lots of cards - easily two to three times as much as everyone else. And I would read the Magic related newsgroups for deck ideas. I'd make people offers that they couldn't refuse for cards that they really didn't want to part with. Gradually people stopped being interested in Magic. And there was me with my burgeoning collection and no one to play with. I kept up with Magic and bought cards when new sets were released. I graduated and got a job. Life moved in.

Then I got a new job. The folks at my new job used to play Magic! And they would be interested in playing again, but not in a money-to-burn environment. So I sold them on limited play. WE'd buy a couple of packs and milk them for all of the play value we could get. And then we'd buy a few more packs and add it into the pool and so on. Every so often we'd play with other cards, but usually with just this small set. We added a couple of new players and life was good.

And then I got a new job. People here don't play Magic. And so I don't play as often as I used to. So Saturday night was great! Even if I kept getting my head kicked in.


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