Thursday, March 31, 2005

On top of spagetti...

Don't you hate it when you only remember a line or two from a song you knew as a kid? Now that I have a baby that needs to be sung to I'm finding that I know a lot fewer songs than I thought I did. So I take what I know and make up the rest. Here is a song that I've been noodling around with

On top of spagetti,
All covered with cheese,
I left my poor meatball
Sitting out in the breeze

It really looked tasty.
I'm sure it was good.
But I had already eaten
Much more than I should.

And so there I waited
Until I'd have more room
Until they chased me
Away with a broom.

I left my poor meatball
All covered with cheese
On top of spagetti
Sitting out in the breeze.



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