Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Interview with Daughter of Opinion

1. Why did you do that?
Everyone asks what I saw in Karen. The best answer that I have is I don't know. We were definitely opposites. She is delicate. I'm not. She is a nervous talker. I'm more reserved. She had her nose fixed. I turned down my mother's request to get mine done. She's a Fuzzy Navel and mixed drinks person. Chalk me up to beer and shots. Everyone else saw the writing on the wall long before I did. But I saw it. Just eventually.

2. If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
I'd clean up all of the hurts that we are doing to the environment. I'm leaving the world to Oliver and his children and I want to make sure that they are able to enjoy it.

3. What is your favorite thing about being a father?
It's really hard to say. In some ways it still hasn't sunk in that I'm not on one of the world's longest babysitting assignments. Like tomorrow, Oliver's real parents will come to the house, pick him up, and give us $20 for helping out.
That said, I think my favorite thing about being a father is my pinky. When Oliver needs to be calmed down so that he'll either eat or sleep I'll stick my pinky in his mouth. When it works he slowly stops crying and begins to suck on my pinky. The tension in his little body releases and he'll snuggle in and drift off to sleep. And I get to stand watch over my son, protecting him and giving him comfort. People ask why we don't use a pacifier, but it is too precious to think about giving up.

4. How would you define your general outlook on life?
In the long view, life has treated me too well to get down on it. Tomorrow's troubles will take care of themselves.

5. When it comes to food - sweet or spicey?
Definitely spicy. Perhaps not at hot as when I was a youngin', but throw some curry, cayenne, or habanero on something and I'll pull up to the plate. Besides spicy doesn't sit on the hips as long.


The Official Interview Game Rules

1. If you want to participate, leave a comment below saying "interview me."

2. I will respond by asking you five questions - each person's will be different.

3. You will update your journal/blog with the answers to the questions.

4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.

5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.


Blogger Jessica said...

All great answers, but I feel a particular affection for the "pinky" response. So sweet.

8:16 AM  
Blogger mypetrock said...

Thanks, Jessica. This was fun. Difficult to come up with answers to, but fun.

9:50 AM  

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