Thursday, March 23, 2006

Just Dad Day 3

Day 3 got off to a good start. I picked Oliver up at day care and headed home. We stopped at the New Balance store on Clayton so that Daddy could get a new pair of shoes to run in. Oliver amused himself by running around the store. Fitting. Then we got home and had some dinner. Oliver ate his steak with potatoes and hummus dish well while Daddy had a bit of chicken just in case I couldn't eat the gaming dinner. In lieu of cancelling the gaming session, we relocated from M&K's place to mine for the evening. After dinner I got Oliver dressed in his PJs and did some last minute straightening up. He was a little clingy, but this whole cleaning thing probably threw him off.

My gaming group started arriving at 6:45. P&A were on for dinner and P ended up going to the Loop to pick up some dinner. While he was gone, everyone showed up. M&K brought Charlotte and so Oliver had a playmate. At one point when A was playing with Oliver, he threw a ball and hit her in the lip. (*Sorry, A.*) But no blood was spilled among the toddlers.

At 7:30, I took Oliver upstairs to try and get him down to sleep. I had hoped to time him going down with everyone else eating. But between the excitement of all of these people being over, missing Mommy, and Daddy trying different things to get Oliver to sleep, the first try failed. I brought him down as everyone was finishing their dinner. We played for a bit. A alternated between playing and entertaining with the children. After a little while Oliver was showing definite signs that he wanted to go to sleep. I tagged another player to take the reins, took Oliver upstairs, and successfully got him down at 9:15. Shortly thereafter it was time to wrap up the gaming session.

The rest of the night passed largely uneventfully. There was a session of wakefulness at 3:30, but once he went back to sleep, he didn't wake up again until morning. At 6:30, he woke me up, happy as can be, when it was time to go downstairs to eat. It was a good things that he did as I had an early meeting. Breakfast, cleanup, dressing, and we were out the door.

I'm glad that we did this as I feel that I can be Oliver's primary caretaker if I had to, preferably for a short duration. But I think our house just works better with both of us home. Mommy comes home tonight. All three of us will be happy to see each other.


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