Friday, April 28, 2006

The Thing you can't find

Everyone has something that they are looking for that they just can't find. For some, it's love and happiness. For others, it's their glasses. For me, it's a Waldo shirt.

The idea of the Waldo shirt has been brewing for some time. When I was in college, my fraternity would put on Midnight Madness once or twice a year. Midnight Madness was a clue based scavenger hunt - picture the Amazing Race centered in St. Louis with complex codes instead of bungee jumping. One of the big clues from the first Midnight Madness was a live Where's Waldo at the Galleria Mall at Christmas. I'll pause a second to imagine the hilarity of looking for a red-and-white striped shirt in a mall at Christmas. Over the Madnesses, we've reenacted it a couple of times.

Fast forward to my first hash as hare. I decided to start on Wash U's new parking garage. And as long as I was there, I was going to lead the pack through the Loop. And as long as I was going to have them in the Loop, I ought to have a Where's Waldo. But in order to do that, I had to have a Waldo and I needed a Waldo shirt. I found a friend (thanks A!) who was willing to be Waldo for an hour or so. And Madam Yuk lent me a red and white short sleeved shirt for our Waldo. The initial Waldo clue was a success and led me to getting the hash name, Waldo's Pimp.

With new hash name in tow, I decided that I needed a Waldo shirt, preferably a whole closet full of Waldo shirts. With more than just one Waldo shirt I could lend them out to my future Waldos when I decide to break out the Where's Waldo clue again. I could get the whole family dressed in Waldo gear for Halloweens or costume parties. I could take over the World !!!! (ahem) And if I could have a Waldo shirt made out for some sort of dri-fit fabric, I could wear it (complete with bobble hat and glasses) when I'm doing these big races ("Go Waldo-guy!").

Now I could make them myself using t-shirts and fabric paint. But I want something that will last past the first washing. So I've been trying to buy it from a store with no success. You'd think that all of the major retailers would be rushing into production such a shirt with a clear and defined market and no thought of wash tubs filled with now pink clothing. But no...

And so I wait


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