Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Interview with err... Houdini's Hips

1. You wanted to and you didn't. Do you now wish you had?

I wish I had gotten up to go race last weekend. But the trip up was so long and the sleep was so brief. I'm probably better off for having slept longer though.

2. What do you want for dinner next Wednesday?

Well, next Wednesday I'll be flying to California so I think a decent hamburger would be a goal. Or the mythical "good airplane food." I'm not picky - just as long as it doesn't make me sick to my stomach.

3. Which fictional character would you be, if you could be any fictional character?

Professor X from the X-Men. Telepathy is cool.

4. What's your least favorite part of being a parent?

The loss of free time is my least favorite time about being a parent. I have a lot of hobbies. I try and exercise regularly. I like to read. I even find myself wanting to get work done around the house. But between parenting and all of the family obligations that pop up after having a child, I haven't gotten to do any of that at the level that I might have wanted to in a long time. I'm adapting to it, but still not my favorite thing.

5. When we were in college, what inspired your interest in mentoring young people with developmental disabilities?

What drew me to Natural Ties was that it was less focussed on a service that one person would provide to another person and more focussed on the idea that you could be friends with people with developmental disabilities. Natural Ties had sprung from a friendship between Pat Hughes (who was a member of my church) and his friend Jay. They had just started hanging out when Pat was a member of a fraternity at KU. Later he had turned it into a sort of grass roots organization that worked to pair up college age folks in a similar fashion. I had heard about the organization from my mother and contacted Pat. He talked to me about it and it sounded good. Then we made presentations on campus to people who were interested. But the organization never really took off. The piece that I missed was that I could be friends with a person with developmental disabilities. At the time I was so busy with everything else that I didn't have the time or follow through to make the time to connect with the person that I would have become friends with.


The Official Interview Game Rules

1. If you want to participate, leave a comment below saying "interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions - each person's will be different.
3. You will update your journal/blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.


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