Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Tagged, 5 weird habits

I've been tagged by Josh so here goes nothing...

    Five weird habits that I'll admit:
  • After I blow my nose, I'll check the Kleenex to see what color came out. While gross, it also gives me a good indication of how healthy I really am.
  • Most dishes that I cook only ever require one dish. From the infamous Yellow Meal (baked curried chicken, corn, and potatoes) to my frequent chilis, one dish is all I ever need.
  • I use much more shampoo than is required to wash the amount of hair that I have.
  • Don't send me out to buy food for a party. I'll end up buying enough to feed everyone 2-3 times over. The same thing happens for when I'm cooking dinner.
  • I often imagine the worst thing that could happen. I think I use it as some sort of superstitious ward against that thing actually happening.

There you go, 5 weird habits that are fit for publishing. I'm going to tag Jacob Albers, Paul Boal, and Andi.


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