Monday, May 08, 2006

Parents as Teachers

My wife and I have regular visits with Angela, our parents-as-teachers (PAT) coordinator. The sessions that we have are generally pleasant. Angela arrives at our house at 7:00 am which is right after Oliver has finished breakfast. We sit in our living room and talk about what a good child we have. We tell her about all of the things that he is doing. She plays with him for a little while and tells us things that we can do to help his development. And then she's off to help someone else.

At first, I didn't see the need for the PAT meetings. When Oliver wasn't doing very much, it didn't seem as necessary to meet. But now that he's talking and moving, it's nice to hear 1) that he's progressing well and 2) that there are things that I can do to help him grow. I'd recommend for other parents to get involved in PAT if it is offered by your school district.

The school district is sponsoring a vehicle and animal night this Wednesday from 6:00-7:30 at the early childhood development center on Kingsland. They are going to have big vehicles (fire trucks, semi, garbage truck) for the kids to climb around in and a petting zoo. It just sounds like a lot of fun.


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