Monday, May 01, 2006

Weekend update

Friday night we had some dinner with friends and watched back episodes of Alias. It was a good time, marred only by the fact that Oliver had trouble going down and so we let him stay up while we watched.

Saturday morning I got up and ran a 10K at St. Charles CC. I ran a good race finishing 49:38 or about 8:00/mile. It felt like a good race and gives me a point of comparison for later this summer. I met my wife and child at a rummage sale at a neighborhood school. I took off with Oliver for Gymboree while my wife stayed behind to get the bargains. Poor Oliver did not make it as far as Gymboree before crashing. I turned around and went home. Oliver and I took a nap together for the next hour or so while my wife did some cleaning. After our nap, my wife and I continued doing some cleaning while entertaining Oliver. It is really nice that he is getting to the point where he can entertain himself somewhat. It's also scary as there were a couple of points where we went to look for him only to find that he had gone downstairs. He's a good stair climber, but we still prefer to have someone keep an eye on him when he's on the stairs.

Eventually we got cleaned up and headed up to my mother-in-law's place. Oliver crashed in the car on the way up and we let him sleep in the car when we got there until he woke up on his own. Inside, I made some dinner and we watched some draft coverage until it was time to go to the trivia night. This trivia night was entirely based on TV. As a group we did poorly finishing well out of the money. We talked outselves out of a couple of answers but by and large weren't even close to being in contention. But it was a good time regardless. My wife and I will have to skip the one the week following as we will be hosting a baby shower.

Sunday morning I got up with Oliver and played with him while mommy and grandma got some sleep. They got up a few hours later and then Grandma took Oliver too see her mother. My wife and I went out for a run. Once back in the house I gathered up my stuff and went home. I had a 10K to go to later that afternoon for Kingdom House. I went over to the race ahead of time and watched the Everyday Circus troop. Getting there early was a good decision as the sky opened up during the performance, but let up by the time it was over. The 10K ended up being a bust as the racers got confused at a turning point and skipped a healthy chunk of the course. Oh for a lack of a volunteer! I finished the now 4M(?) race in 30:00. Afterwards I went home and got cleaned up. I headed out to run some errands at Sam's and Lowe's. By the time I got home it was close to 7:00. I ordered some Indian food and went out to pick it up. I went home, watched MI-5, did laundry, and turned in early.


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