Friday, March 11, 2005

TV nights

In some ways it's sort of sad that certain nights have become TV nights for my wife and I. On the one hand, we use Wednesdays to get together with our fellow blues in a red state (Sarahlynn and Paul) and watch West Wing and Alias. Taken as a social outlet, it is not that bad - Sarahlynn and Paul inexplicably cook for us every week (really, we don't mind cooking, guys) and we get to spend time with some of our favorite people. Granted, sometimes we postpone TV night until later or watch the tapes, but for some reason it is more fun in the pseudo-moment (Thanks TIVO) of it all.

West Wing seems like a show that is trying to unJump the Shark. When Sorkin left the show the scripts started going down hill. The dialogue just doesn't have the same snap to it. If Josh and Donna hook up, then WW might find itself off of my TV watching radar. In the mean time I get to pretend that the Bush presidency never happened. What a beautiful world...

Alias is a show that I had seen previews for, but wasn't really interested in. Then a friend lent us the DVD sets. There is no more sure-fire way to hook someone on a TV show than to give them an entire season to watch in a single sitting. So now we're Alias people as well. In general terms the plots for Alias remind me of D&D campaigns - you're a vertitable superman compared to mortal men who can do things other men only dream of while combating an evil cult bent on implementing a doomsday scenario cooked up by an evil genius. Oh, and you have been chosen by prophecy to be a key player in the final battle. Then the party goes out on missions to gather doo-hickeys that are important to the cult... And it doesn't hurt that Jennifer Garner is hot.

Tuesday is more of an anti-social, guilty pleasure because Tuesday is Amazing Race night. We're not big reality TV folks. I don't think we saw much of Survivor or its ilk when they were hot. Now that they're not, we really don't see them. But AR draws us in every season. So far we are 0-3 in terms of our favorites winning the race, but we watch nonetheless. I think this is one show that we would drop everything to do in a heartbeat because we think we could win. In reality, we'd probably end up sniping at each other while cruising to an early game elimination. But it seems like it would be fun.

I think the other reason why I like AR so much is that I try and imagine putting it on in my home city of St. Louis. I have a list of sites that the players should see, a list of tasks that give them the flavor of the city, and some previous experience doing an event like this. The only thing that prevents me from getting it done is laziness and the fear that I would build it and no one would come. But it would be fun, though...


Blogger Sarahlynn said...

If you built it, I would come. Or perhaps I would help build it. Hey, someday you should read the beginning of my book (if you hven't already). It's pretty crappy so far, especially at the beginning, but I hope it will get better. You're currently very poorly disguised in Chapter 4.

Also - we're all over the flu now and are starting to get over our subsequent colds. If you'd seen us this weekend, you would have had unpleasant Hawaii flashbacks. Anyway, we've saved both Alias and The West Wing, so we can get an earlier start on Wednesday, if you'd like. :)

10:40 AM  
Blogger mypetrock said...

I don't think I've read your book. I'd be happy to lend an untrained eye when you deem it ready for not-quite-so-public consumption.

Wednesday sounds great.

12:10 PM  
Blogger Sarahlynn said...

Oddly enough, my first paragraph was supposed to be a reply to the Amazing Race post, and the second paragraph was supposed to be a reply to the TV one. Oh, and thanks for the compliment. Right back atcha.

11:22 PM  

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