Monday, January 30, 2006

Diet Day 4

Breakfast: Spinach Fritatta
AM Snack: Ham Rollups
Lunch: Chef Salad
PM Snack: Cottage cheese and cherry tomatoes
Dinner: Orange roughy with soy and ginger sauce, sauteed cabbage, snow peas
Nighttime snack: Ricotta with peanut butter and chocolate chips

- We got a late start today so all of our meals seemed jumbled on top of each other.
- I did a 'net search for "South Beach Diet Phase 1 Dessert" and only came up with more ricotta desserts and people complaining about the lack of desserts.
- I did 50 minutes at a tempo run pace. I need to make sure that I stay on top of my running.
- Both my wife and I are feeling a little lethargic. Is this a result of the diet or a teething baby?
- Sauteed cabbage actually tasted a lot better than I thought it would. And I like cabbage.


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