Friday, February 17, 2006

Peeing in the bathtub

My wife and I tried to get Oliver potty trained early. In the beginning we had some success, but after a while the drama of getting out the potty and plopping him down on it in the middle of the night while he wailed became a little much. So we started slacking. And changing more diapers.

But recently we've started working on it again. When Oliver wakes up in the morning, we carry him into the bathroom and get him undressed. Then we stand him up in the bathtub and entertain him (this morning it was a chorus of "Itsy Bitsy Spider") until it's time for nature to take its course. Then as he starts going we gush "Good Potty. Good Potty." A splash to wash off any stray streams and he's off to breakfast. Occasionally we'll vary the routine by trying to use the potty or a sink instead of the bathtub, but the bathtub seems to be the most popular choice.

We'll get to full potty training some day. I just hope that all of the effort that we are putting in now helps to get there soon. I could do without all of the loads of diapers.


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