Monday, March 06, 2006

All Gymboreed out

I picked my parents up at the airport on Friday at noon. After a nice lunch, I went to pick Oliver up at day care. I thought it would be fun for us to go to Gymboree to play. When we got there, neither of my parents was really able to get down and play with him, so they stood in the waiting area and watched us play. After a while, Oliver got tired and we went home.

Saturday morning I got my parents up and took them to Gymboree for the Saturday morning class. Again they got to watch as I chased Oliver around the play area. I hope it was a little more interesting for them as there was at least some structure to the class and the whole period was shorter than open play. On Monday morning we had class again. I'm not sure if I should take it as a good sign that my mother decided to go get some coffee during the first part of the class.

On the plus side, Oliver had a good time and is starting to get into it. He was even chasing after the bubbles today (a first!) and standing up under the parachute for Parachute time. As for my parents, I think we'll both have a better understanding in terms of how much Gymboree-ing they can take at a time.


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