Sunday, March 05, 2006

Photo Session

Oliver close-up On Saturday afternoon, I took my parents, my mother-in-law, my wife and my child out to Portrait Innovations for a series of family pictures. They ended up taking about 120 pictures of us in various and sundry poses. The photo session took about an hour with a bit of a break when my wife and I realized that we had forgotten to bring the diaper bag and had a baby with a poopy diaper. Thankfully, Babies R Us was nearby and a quick trip later we had some diapers and wipes to clean up after young Oliver.
Oliver the Grouch
Oliver was really good about the whole thing. He only started getting a bit cranky towards the end of the hour. There was only so much cheese and crackers that would keep him happy and still. After the photo shoot came the hardest part - winnowing down the 100+ pictures to the few that we wanted to print. The sales pitch was pretty solid working down from 100+ instead of up from 0. The other part of their sales pitch is that the cost for a single sheet is $15.00 and the cost for packages (8x10, 2 5x7s, 8 Wallets) is $16.50 or only $1.50 more. We ended up getting 11 packages and their $9.95 introductory special which qualified us for the 5 13x10s and the photo CD. The salesgirl included all of the pictures from the session on the CD, not just the ones that we bought which made me happy. After the gift certificate that my boss had given me, the total ended up being about $100. So happy birthday, happy mother's day, happy father's day, happy easter, ...
Irish Oliver


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