Friday, October 06, 2006

Bathtub experimentation

Oliver had a great time while taking a bath tonight. First, he filled a large cup with bath water very carefully. I couldn't tell if he was trying to get all of the bubbles or none of them, but whatever he was doing, he was doing it precisely. Once the water was in the cup, he stirred it vigorously with his scoop. Rinse. Repeat. Great fun.

Later I started trying to comb his hair. Eventually he got the comb away from me and dropped it in the water. The comb floated up to the surface. He pushed it down. it floated up. He pushed it down harder. It floated up. He held it down for a while. It floated up. He kept trying different tactics to sink the comb. It was fun to see his mind at work trying to solve the problem.



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