Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Ever get the feeling...

... like what is supposed to be helping you is in fact hurting you? It may be because I'm not all that bright and decided to walk to work on Monday, but my leg has been hurting me more than it did before I put on the strap-on cast that is supposed to be helping my leg heal. It may also be because I spent much of Saturday and Sunday with it off so that I could stain the deck. It may also be that I'm just frustrated because since the cast is on my right foot, I can't drive and am dependent on the kindness of others for my transportation. It may also be that I'm just more sensitive to how my leg feels since I know that there is something wrong with it. Whatever it is, I just have that feeling. And I have to wait another two weeks to see if my hypothesis is correct. Waiting sucks.


Blogger k957 said...

Sorry to hear about your leg.
I wish you a speedy recovery - although I know recover can never be fast enough (can I do my thing yet?).

WRT getting places - have you considered taking the link? I'm lucky/glad to be just over a mile away from one of the stations on the green line - but you're about on top of one (skinker methinks)! I know it'll get you closer to your new office location - a bus might even put you at the doorstep.

I need to devise a scheme where I generate personal revenue everytime I mention mass transit.

Anyway - peace

3:09 PM  

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