Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Good day - bad dieting day

Yesterday was a pretty good day. I started the day by running in the University City Memorial DAy runs. I ran both the 10K (sub 50:00) and the 5K (I finished...). I went to play D&D with my group during the mid-morning and into the early afternoon. I hung out with a pair of friends that I don't get to see much. And then I went to a BBQ with more friends and got to see the fun that happens when you put a pile of babies together in one room. We got to bed on time and even remembered to give Oliver his medicine. A good day.

But it was a terrible dieting day. I had two bagels, two bananas, root beer, and an orange slice at the race. Brunch over D&D consisted of hash browns, smoothies, and a slice of blueberry coffee cake. And I finished the day off by eating a hamburger with bun, chips, cookies, and an ice cream bar at the BBQ.

Ah, will power, why have you forsaken me?


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