Monday, July 18, 2005

Harry Potter VI - a good read

I picked up the book Saturday afternoon while my wife was up at her sister's place celebrating a nephew's birthday. I started reading about 4:00 in the afternoon, read until 2:00, and finished it before noon the next day. I enjoyed the book. It is a good sequel to that last one in particular because Rowling trims 400 pages by not reintroducing us to the world. There were a couple of occasions when it would have been good to have reread the last couple of books to pick up small details (like I forgot what a NEWT was and what DA stands for). I like how Rowling plays fair with her audience, dropping hints early in the book that a smart reader can pick up on to guess what happens next. Rowling has built a complete world where things that happen early in the series come into play in later books and events in later books are foreshadowed in earlier novels.

My only complaint is that now I'm one of the few people I know to have finished the book and I can't talk about it with anybody.


Blogger Sarahlynn said...

We're chugging along slowly, reading aloud. Well, I'm reading aloud while Paul drives or practices braiding my hair.

On the other hand, my sister and my sister-in-law are both done and are dying to talk about. Ditto Ellie's speech therapist.

12:40 AM  

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