Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Supreme Court Opening

Honestly, I felt like I got hit with a baseball bat when I heard that Sandra Day O'Connor was retiring from the Supreme Court. It wasn't so much that I'm particularly attached to her in particular. It was more than I'm aghast that the idiot in the White House definitely gets to pick a Supreme Court justice with the possibility of more. All of the powers that be are talking about having a civil confirmation process. And I'm sure that'll last until Dubya dubs a young ultra-right wing religious zealot as his choice to succeed the moderate justice. Then there'll be a throwdown. The chance of the "victory" over Dubya's last set of appellate court nominees holding up this time if the Democrats attempt a filibuster are slim and none. It was nice knowing you Roe. Good to have made your acquaintance, Separation of Church and State.

On the other hand maybe it'll energize the left. After all something's gotta work.


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