Thursday, June 16, 2005

Time is Slipping By

This weekend when I was home, my parents showed me a DVD that they had made of all of our home movies. There are a number of things that we could do to spruce it up, from adding an audio/commentary track to adding section breaks. But what struck me most was how little of the footage there was.

Every so often I stop and kick myself for not taking oodles of pictures of Oliver. He just turned six months old and I don't think we've taken 10 pictures in the last month. We have gone to Kiddee Kandids twice, but I don't think it's quite the same thing. These are moments that won't come again and too many of them are passing by without being recorded. I'm not saying that I have to constantly have a camera in hand, but I should have it in hand more often.

It's not just for me that I want to have more pictures. My parents live in Chicago and only get to see Oliver once a month in a good month. When we were taking off last weekend, my mother gamely attempted to convince us that we needed to come back next month. Umm, no, but thanks - we do have to stay home once in a while. Pictures might help them feel like they're a little more involved.

And besides, pictures are fun to share.


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