Tuesday, October 18, 2005


I wrote earlier about how the new CIO came and spoke yesterday. One of his slides showed his family with his wife and two daughters, 11 and 14. He related a story where one of his daughters said, "Dad, this is the first year where I'm going back to the same school." Because of the various and sundry moves that he's made in his quest to climb the corporate ladder, his daughter had not been in the same place to start the school year for 5-6 years.

I think he told the story for a couple of reasons. First, it was cute. Second, it illustrated that those who want to climb the corporate ladder have to make sacrifices. Third, it illustrated that the path of your career is up to you. Surely no one would have sketched out a career path for a new graduate that looked more like a ping-pong ball's trajectory that anything else. And last, it shows that his career is his priority, not necessary his home life.

I don't want a career like that. I've never felt that that was my calling. I think I'd rather put in my time and get home. As long as I can provide for my family and not go out of my mind with boredom, I'll get what I need out of my job. My family is my number one priority. My health is second. My friendships are third and my job checks in fourth. I guess I'll never be successful like that guy, but I don't plan on missing many birthdays or school plays or games either. I'll be successful in my own way.


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