Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Getting ready to party

This Friday I'll turn 31. 31 isn't on its own significant except that I'm still getting older. But it beats the alternative. I think I'd have trouble with getting older if I didn't already have Oliver. Personally, I've always wanted to have a family and having my wife and child puts me in the position that I've seen myself in when I thought about my future-now-present. So I'm at peace with getting older.

Saturday is my birthday party, Thank(Rock). Not quite ten years ago, I decided that I wanted to have a Thanksgiving-style dinner for my birthday. I invite a house little-bit-more-than-full of people and have everyone bring something from their own families Thanksgivings (coordinated through me so we don't have 12 dishes of yams). I provide the turkey, stuffing, and drinks. It's always a fun time as I get to see friends that I don't get a chance to see enough of during the year. The event is becoming more interesting as we add a new generation of folks to the party. Oliver will get a chance to join the ranks of the toddlers this year.

So this week is dedicated to getting the house ready for people to come over. Last night I vacuumed the rugs. Tonight I get to sweep and mop all of the floors. Between now and then, we need to clean the bathrooms, clean Oliver's room, and take care of all of the clutter that has accumulated since we last held a party in November. Finally, Friday night/Saturday morning I'll get to set up the house for a party and cook the turkeys.


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