Sunday, February 26, 2006

Google responses

"Bode Miller undressed"
I'm sorry, but you've come to the wrong blog. I wasn't even that harsh in my criticisms of he-who-was-hyped. But if you watched any of the Olympics, you definitely got to see him. Again. And again. And even occasionally skiing.

"Ricotta dessert"
Recently, my wife and I have been debating whether my interpretation of the Ricotta Dessert of Phase one-ness is truly phase one. I tend to add a bit more cocoa powder and vanilla than the recipe calls for. I also add a sprinkling of slivered almonds and a dollop of peanut butter. Everything is on the list of allowed foods, though perhaps not all together.

I did some web searching and found a cheesecake recipe and a lemonade sorbet recipe that are supposed to be phase one compliant. I'll try them out and post them if either works out.

"Freakanomics", "Freakanomics review"
It was a good book, but a couple of weeks out it hasn't really dented my consciousness as much as I would have thought. The Tipping Point seems to have resonated with me more.

"Pooping", "Oliver pooping"
On the pooping ... back, we're still not seeing any turds. But at least my little guy is regular.

"diarrhea edamame"
I've never had a problem with edamame causing diarrhea. Or used it to stop diarrhea. But if you fed it to your baby and ran into problems, it may be that your baby is allergic to soy.

"Miscarriage 5 weeks tell gender"
According to, a fetus does not begin to show gender until week 11. At week five, the arms and legs are little buds. So I imagine short of genetic testing, it would be impossible to determine if the fetus was male or female.


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