Monday, February 20, 2006

Google responses

Here are my responses to people who came to this blog over the last week in case they didn't find what they were looking for.

"Sexuality and breastfeeding toddlers"
I've been told by my wife that there really is a thing as being "touched out." When my wife first started breastfeeding Oliver, we thought that the arms motions were so cute. When he started growing his fingernails it became less cute (trimming the fingernails helps, but only so much). When he developed his pincer motion it became less cute. When he's teething and wants to nurse constantly and you are co-sleeping so he's constantly searching you out, yes, you can get touched out. What can you do to recover from that? I don't know. I'll ask my wife and get back to you.

"Bradley Birthing classes"
I totally recommend them. Our instructor was Kim Martino-Sexton. The class ran ten weeks, which was great for us as we got to focus on the main event together for that long. Also, she had us keep track of our protein counts for that long which helped my wife focus on what she was eating in a practical way. The amount of information that we got each week was easily digestible. By the time Oliver was on his way we were much more able to be our own advocates.

"Nose spreading as a sign of labor"
There is an old wives' tale about how to tell gender. Here's a link to a site with more old wives' tales.

I'm glad that I was able to post about pooping and immediately have people tune in to find out what I had to say. On a related note, I still haven't seen a turd in weeks. I beginning to think they are the Big Foot of toddler excrement.

"I didn't want a boy"
I don't know how this came to me, but I'm sorry. While I'll admit that I had a preference for boy, I was really just hoping for 10 fingers, 10 toes, two of everything that there should be two of, one of everything that there should be one of, and enough of everything else. I do know people who have a very strong preference for one gender over another to the point that they don't want any more children, so you aren't alone. I just want children, gender unspecified.

"Bad Baby Names Moss" & "Odd baby names for 2005 that starts with I"
Let's see... my wife didn't like Falcon, Lord, or Orestes for boys and more names than I can count for girls. If I had to pick an odd baby name that starts with I, I'd have to go with Imogene, Ichabod, Illyana, and Iona.

"Jochen pronounced"
Yo-ken (see Hecht, Jochen)

"Meatball all covered with cheese song"
There are at least two versions of the song. You can go with mine which makes sense and imparts the moral of not eating too much (?). Or you can go with the traditional version, which makes no sense and is therefore difficult to remember. Seriously, I like my version better, but I'm most likely in the minority.

"Painting dwarf minis"
I don't have a lot of experience painting dwarf miniatures specifically, but I keep picturing them as swarthy blonds with a lot of metallic colors and gemstones. Not helpful, but I'll post a picture when I start painting minis again.

I'm a runner. A lazy out of shape runner to be sure, but I'm always doing better when I've been able to get in a couple of miles. I'm training for the River to River Relay now. Six weeks until the race! Gack!

"Abu Gerib"
I'm still waiting for the fallout to land on someone. Anyone. Preferably Bush, but if he can grossly violate your civil rights because he's fighting a concept (War on Terror?), then he can do just about anything he wants and get away with it. I'm just waiting until the government has to step in and regulate playground bullying.

"Skater cut and picture"
Unfortunately (or fortunately), I don't have any pictures. The idea was basically a top knot with the sides and back shaved down. In theory I like the haircut, but it doesn't look like that'll hit the mainstream in this decade.

My brother's niece, Rose, passed away last week from complications from leukemia. Please keep her family in your thoughts.


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