Thursday, March 23, 2006

Trying to be good

Last night, my gaming group played over at my house. When we play, someone is responsible for dinner. Last night it was P&A who brought Racinelli's pizza. Now Rac's pizza is probably my favorite pizza in town, but it is definitely not on my diet. But I was otherwise engaged when everyone was eating so I was safe. But at the end of the night, everyone was leaving and there was still half a pizza in the kitchen. After a vigorous internal debate, I turned to M and said, "Some people are born into pizza. Some people have pizza thrust upon them. You have pizza thrust upon you." Thankfully, he agreed to take the pizza home with him and it was not around for me to succumb.

This morning I had a staff meeting at work. My manager brought in pastries and bagels for everyone to eat. After some level of resistance and an hour of boredom, I succumbed and had a bagel. And a half-hour later, another. It was good, but probably not worth it. The pizza would have been better.


Blogger Amanda said...

I meant to take that with me. Sorry.

3:53 PM  

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