Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Yea though I walked through the valley of Phase One...

Today I start Phase two of the South Beach Diet. During phase two I'm adding back in "good carbs" to my diet. Good carbs are low-glycemic index foods, complex carbohydrates, and fiber. I'm looking forward to going back to eating grains and fruit again. I've already downloaded several good SB dessert recipes that I wasn't certain qualified for phase one, but I'm certain that they qualify for phase two.

It's funny that I'm so excited about going to phase two. For one thing, I didn't lose that much weight on phase one. Another thing is that I am not really a picky eater - I could eat the same meal for a week straight without getting bored with it. Maybe the difference is between could and have to. On phase one there are so many restrictions in place that I have to abide by. A lot of them are removed in phase two or at least enough of them that it feels really liberating. I guess the other part is that phase two doesn't really feel like a diet. Sure, I can't have white potatoes, white bread, corn, or sugar, but I can live without them anyway.


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