Friday, May 19, 2006

Parental Units

I got a call from my folks yesterday. They are coming down for the weekend. We had planned on them coming down this weekend, but earlier this week, they had called it off so that they could stay in Chicago in case my other brother needed them. But they weren't going to be called upon, so down they come. I haven't seen them in a couple of months. I'm looking forward to seeing them.

Flush with the knowledge that my parents were coming down and that the house was a mess, I did what any responsible child would do. I went to bed early. I hadn't intended to go to bed early, but I took on the task of putting Oliver to bed and wanted to properly role model how to sleep. Yes, I had put him down before I snoozed off. My wife woke me an hour or so later, but the prospect of sleep was just too tempting. But something in me wouldn't let me sleep, so I got up at 4:00a and went downstairs and cleaned. I did some laundry and the dishes. I picked up and straightened. And when everyone else got up and about around 6:30, I had the house more or less in shape. The rest of the cleaning will take place after Oliver goes down for sleep tonight and before I go to pick them up from the train.

Now that my parents are going to be here this weekend, we can adjust our schedule slightly. I was planning on racing and then going for a run tomorrow with my marathon group. It would have meant Oliver missing Gymboree, but now he doesn't have to. My wife and I were planning on going to different yoga classes on Sunday, but now we can go to the same one. We didn't really have any other exciting plans, but now we can plan to do something with my folks.


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