Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Feeling hot Hot HOT

On Sunday, my wife went to a Bikram Yoga class. While not perhaps strictly enjoyable, she liked the class. So not to be outdone, I went for a class myself yesterday afternoon. Given my propensity for perspiration, I prepared by drinking prodigious quantities of water all day. By the end of the day, I knew that I was well-hydrated. If the class turned out to be a bust, I figured that at least my kidneys had already gotten a full workout.

I got to the studio 15 minutes before the class was to begin. I signed the forms, paid my money, and went into the locker room to get dressed. I opted to wear a pair of biker shorts and a dri-fit running shirt. I picked out a spot in the back of the class, laid out my mat, and lay down on it. The class was relatively big - I'd estimate it to be about 30 students. The class was mostly women, but there were four or five other guys in the room. It was hot in the room, but the heat wasn't really oppressive. It was more like how the bathroom feels after a long shower, but without the steam.

The first part of class was standing postures. I felt okay about these, but in a lot of cases I had a hard time keeping myself balanced on one leg. I'm sure that there was a lot about the postures that I was missing, but I did as best as I could by listening to the instructor and looking around at the other students. The second part of class was the ground based postures. Again, I did my best, but by this time I was starting to get a bit fatigued. Many of the postures were familiar to me as variations on runner's streches. But the variations were enough that I wasn't sure that I was doing it right. By the end of class, I was tired and soaked, but it felt good. I didn't weigh in immediately after class, but I was still down four pounds of water weight this morning.

I liked the class, and I think I'll go back. I'm not sure how to work it into my running schedule. I definitely don't want to do it immediately before my long run on Saturday and I don't think I can do a running workout and a yoga class on the same day. I'm thinking that what I might want to do is to go on Sundays and one other day. What other day that would be, I'm not certain.


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