Monday, May 08, 2006

Weekend update

It was a busy weekend. Friday night we went to Paul and Sarahlynn's house to play a How To Host A Murder mystery with Scott and Jessica. My wife and I did a good job coming up with costumes at the last moment. While we played, Oliver and Ellie had a good time playing together. We had a good time.

Saturday morning Oliver and I did two sessions at Gymboree. In the car on the way home, he crashed and stayed asleep as I put him down in our bed for the rest of his nap. While I was away, my wife got the last bit of cleaning done in the house for a baby shower that we were hosting later in the day. I got sent to the store to buy ingredients for punch. When I got back, I helped out a bit and then it was time to go. Oliver and I joined Paul and Ellie at the park to play while the shower was going on. Oliver and Ellie had a good time at the park playing on the slides and swings. At one point Oliver decided that he wanted to play on the big kids slides. So he wandered over to the other playground and jumped right in. He did a couple of the larger twisty slides and had a great time. After the park, we went back to Paul and Sarahlynn's place and hung out for a bit. Oliver fell asleep on the way home. He woke up when we got home and played for a bit. Then we headed to S&P's house for a BBQ. We hung out and talked with friends for a while before it was time to go home. Oliver crashed in the car and went right to bed.

Sunday morning it was my turn to do breakfast. After breakfast we went to the playground near our house for a bit. He played with another girl from the neighborhood. After they were done playing, Oliver and I went back to the house. Mommy was still tired, so I got on my running gear and we went for a run. He must have been tired because he didn't make it to Forest Park. He ended up sleeping in the stroller for the entire trip around Forest Park, back home, and for an hour afterwards. When he woke up, we went to Chevy's for lunch. At Chevy's, he had a good meal of beans and salsa. After lunch, I dropped Oliver and Lisa back home and ran a couple of errands. When I got back it was time for dinner and then it was bed time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OHHH! Opportunity missed! We put Paul in a toddler bed maybe a month ago. The first night we did like you, sat with him until he felt comfortable and left him to fall asleep. We've never looked back, he's been in the toddler bed at night time and naps since. There is something to be said for consistency with kids.


11:27 AM  

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