Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Lazy weekend

Friday night we got together with some friends because our mutual friends had come into town from DC. I had a good time. I was on Oliver duty for much of the night and kept him entertained by playing with the kids in the yard. We ended up having to leave at Oliver's bed time. I offered to let my wife stay and hang out, but instead we came home and hung out.

Saturday morning we went for a run with the group in the morning and then spent the rest of the day trying to get a few things done around the house. We took a family nap in the afternoon. Later in the afternoon my wife took Oliver to the pool and I stayed home and got some stuff done. Then I got to put Oliver to bed for the second night in a row.

Sunday morning, I got up with Oliver in order to let Mommy sleep in. When she got up, she decided that it was my turn to go to the early yoga class. I took extra care to hydrate and went to the class. It still kicked my butt, but I'm getting the hang of it. Now if I could just stand on one leg. When I got back, we had lunch and then Oliver and I went down for a family nap while Mommy got some stuff done. We ended up going back to Target Sunday night so my wife could look for some organization stuff. Oliver and I spent about 45 minutes playing chase through the aisles of Target. Then home to bed.


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