Monday, June 05, 2006


If there is one thing that I seem to be lacking recently it's serenity. I'm not talking about a copy of the Joss Whedon film (although that would be nice too), but rather "a disposition free from stress or emotion or an absence of mental stress or anxiety" (thank you, If anything I've been in the anti-serenity mode. I'd love to blame it on a lack of sleep or stress in my job or something, but I think it just stems from a lack of patience - this is a notably bad thing when Oliver seems to be entering the twos. I just need to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. Especially when that involves Oliver standing on chairs or trying to walk in the street or banging on the screens after he's been told not to or doing the screaming arch as we attempt to put him into his car seat or ... just generally being a toddler.

I just need serenity. And soon.


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