Tuesday, July 25, 2006

400th post!

This is actually my 400th post. This has been an interesting century of posts. It feels like a bit of an anticlimax since I haven't been posting very much recently. I haven't really had or made the time to keep updating. I spent a lot of time posting from my old job as it was winding down.As I hit my stride at the new job, expect to see me return to form.

We're still without power. Actually at this point, I don't know anyone else without power, so we win. I'll be expecting my booby prize any minute now. We've been able to depend on the kindness of friends and family, which has made a tough situation easier. But there is just something about being able to spend time in your own space. There is a certain lack of familiarity, privacy, being able to do your own thing, ... that you just don't get when you are at other people's homes. I appreciate what everyone has done for us, opening up their homes and allowing us to stay, but I just want to go home.

Update: The universe has kindly relented and I get my wish. I'm going home!


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