Wednesday, April 04, 2007

All things maternal...

My wife is doing well in general. She's had a nasty cold for the past few days that's been compounded by a lack of sleep. Number One wakes up in the middle of the night to come and join us and spends the rest of the night kicking her. Number Two (the baby formerly known as Dido) spends the whole night doing gymnastics inside her.

The pregnancy seems to be going well. Other than Number Two's increased activity level, there haven't been any problems. We've seen the ob and our doula. We're not doing a lot of prep work for the labor. That should start in earnest now.

The utero name Dido went away when too many people made the connection to the singer rather than the ancient queen. We're still in negotiation on the baby's name. We did some brainstorming the past few months and have some candidate names. Whether any come to fruition or not is a matter for more discussion.

After some discussion on her staying home after Number Two arrives, we've come to the conclusion that it will be best if she goes back to work. I think. She likes her job and the flexibility that comes with it. It would be nice to have her home, but we'll make it work either way.

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