Thursday, February 15, 2007

State of the Rock

With my birthday recently past, I've been thinking about where I am in my life. The short version is that I'm happy. In all areas of my life I am in a situation where I'm content. It's sort of a surreal state in that I don't have a lot of angst or anxiety pushing me in some direction. It's sort of a soft, chewy center of life.

My family is doing well. My wife is doing well with number two. The pregnancy has not generated any serious problems or major discomforts. At this point we are just beginning our prep work for number two's arrival. Number one is on track in most if not all areas of development. He's happy, healthy, and confident. So far the only real bane of his existance seems to be the vacuum cleaner. It's scary (don't ask me).

I have a lot of good friends in the area. I have a great time when we do get a chance to get together. I don't get to see all of them as much as I'd like, but I know that I can call on them when I need help or to celebrate. And they know that they can call on me too.

Work is going well. My job is challenging, rewarding, and located very close to my house. I like the guys that I'm working with. We are able to push each other technically and all get along really well together. I'm a valued member of my team. The company's prospects are encouraging.

I guess this is why I'm not blogging too much lately. Who wants to read this crap?


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