Tuesday, May 31, 2005


I'm going to make some resolutions. After all, why wait for New Years to make resolutions that you are just going to break anyway? I don't intend to break them, but life usually gets in between me and my best intentions. So here goes:

1) Maintain a postive outlook. I've been obsessing on the negative stuff recently - I don't get enough sleep, I don't get enough exercise, blah, blah, whine. Instead I'm going to spend more time looking at what's going right - beautiful wife, handsome and healthy baby, no money troubles, my health.

2) Exercise more. This will be easier coming up since Oliver will be old enough that I can take him out in the jogging stroller. But I still need to make time for exercise. I might even be able to slip it in while vegging out in front of the TV.

3) Establish a consistent bed time routine. This is necessary for all concerned. We can start getting Oliver down earlier and make time to do things around the house without having to worry him waking up. It will also help me refrain from grouchiness when 4:45 rolls around.

4) Be a better parent. I need to make sure that the stuff that Oliver needs is getting done from washing his diapers to giving him baths, from reading bed time stories to playing with him. I think I've been good about some of the chore-type activities, but I need to be better. I also need to adopt the attitude that parenting activities are not something that I delegate to my wife. This also means that I need to get informed about some of our parenting choices and read up on choices that are to come.

5) Make time for family activities and do something with it. It almost seems like family time is what happens when I'm not doing something else. But while I enjoy it, it is generally not something that I look forward to per se. Instead I should put a little more effort into making family time a fun time.


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