Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Good weekend with the parents

After some last minute cleaning, I went to pick up my parents at the train station, while my wife and son went to bed. There was some miscommunication and I ended up sitting in my car reading a book for about an hour before my parents' train arrived. My mother had forgotten some pills, so we stopped by Walgreens on our way home to pick up enough to get her through the weekend. She was able to call her pharmacy back home and get the information before the pharmacy closed. However the price for a weekend's worth of pills ended up costing on the same order of a month's supply back home - so much for everything being cheaper in St. Louis. I chatted with my folks for a couple of hours before we all headed off to bed.

Saturday was a fairly productive day at our house. My wife finished staining and started sealing our formerly unfinished entertainment center. My father and I spent much of the afternoon preparing the next set of meals for Oliver including papaya, beets, broccoli, and nectarines. My mother got to spend some time playing with Oliver. Saturday night my wife and I went out to a friend's Halloween party for a couple of hours. We got dressed as a money grubbing attorney and accident victim. The party's hosts were dressed in hand-sewn Ming The Merciless and gypsy costumes. I would have felt a little underdressed, but there were a couple of other people who had ideas like ours. We got to talk to friends and have a few drinks sans baby. It was fun. Then my folks called and we were back to parental duty.

Sunday my wife let me sleep in (and it off) for a bit. When I got up, she went outside to work on the entertainment center and I got to tend to Oliver. A friend who had come in from out of town called and asked if we wanted to go to breakfast at First Watch in Clayton. And so we all piled out to go to breakfast. We got to talk to some friends that we hadn't seen in a while. My parents were talking to my friends and everyone seemed to have a good time. The afternoon was spent indoors, watching Oliver and the football games. I wanted to go out to dinner and when I couldn't think of a good, kid friendly place, we ended up going to Fitz's on the Loop. At dinner my father and I played right and left field as Oliver decided to try and toss his toys on the floor. My mother just about wet herself laughing at the scene of the two of us trying to keep his toys from hitting the ground.

Monday I took the day off of work and spent some time with my parents and Oliver before taking them to the train. We got there a bit early so I took them for a brief tour of downtown St. Louis. Then I dropped them off at the train station and headed home.

The whole weekend came off so much better than I thought it would. My parents were able to get down and play with Oliver much better than I thought they'd be able to. I feel a lot better about leaving him in their care for a short time (like an evening) than I did before. And they had a lot of fun doing so.


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