Monday, January 16, 2006

Coming up: Prerelease weekend

This weekend is the pre-release weekend for Guildpact, the next Magic: the Gathering expansion for the Ravnica block. To most people that doesn't mean much. To my wife, it means that I'm going to disappear for a while. And to me, it signals another fun filled (time) of Magic ahead.

In days gone by, I'd go for the whole weekend, starting Friday at midnight through Saturday and coming back on Sunday. The last couple of expansions, I've tried to limit the amount of time that I'm gone since my wife gets stuck tending to Oliver while I'm gone. It would be easier if there was something that she did that took her away for a substantial amount of time. Then it would be more of an exchange. Also I was already away all of last weekend, hanging drywall.

I'm actually kind of excited to go. The last prerelease I managed to win a box of product. I hope to do nearly as well without having to stay up for almost 40 hours to do so.

One of the Magic websites usually has a complete spoiler list out a couple of days ahead of the event. This time I haven't bothered looking for it. Since I don't really get a chance to play very much between events, I don't see the need to spoil the surprise of the new set, beyond the level that Wizards already previews it. It doesn't necessarily help my chances of winning, but as my chances are sort of remote anyway I can live with it.

I think I'll try the midnight flight again. It's sort of the best time for me to go as I only really am leaving her by herself for the night. I'm a bit of a zombie the next day - not much of a change from normal.


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