Thursday, January 12, 2006

Mother Nature and the Change

Here is the forecast for the next few days - highs in the low to mid 40s and a day with the high in the low 50s. The past few days the weather has been similar. I wouldn't complain, but this is mid-January! The weather is supposed to be terrible! We're supposed to be wading through snow drifts and kicking slush off of our feet. As it is, there may be a day this weekend where I spend the entire day in a short sleeve t-shirt. It appears that Mother Nature is going through The Change. According to, here are some of the symptoms of menopause: Irregular periods, Hot flashes, Vaginal and bladder problems, Changes in sexuality, fatigue and sleep problems, mood changes, Visible changes in your body , Headaches, Memory problems, Joint and muscle stiffness or pain, and Difficulty concentrating.

I'll pass by the easy jokes about the weather and irregular periods, hot flashes, and mood swings (hurricane, tsunami, ...). Bladder problems are indicate a problem with the waste removal system. Mother Nature is clearly having trouble processing all of the generated waste. Changes in sexuality are indicate a problem with the reprodcutive system. Mother Nature is clearly having trouble reproducing all of the species that are endangered and the more that get added to the list daily. Visible changes in your body include thickening at the waist, loss of muscle mass, increase in fat, and loss of elasticity in the skin. Can you say obesity? I knew you could.

If Mother Nature is going through the change, what happens after that?


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