Thursday, February 02, 2006

200th post

This is my 200th post. There have been substantially fewer cheater posts in this second century of posts unless you count the recent rash of diet postings. I've been less confrontational in this century. I've had a lot less to be confrontational about since I stopped watching the news or listening to NPR. I blame it on Books on Tape. I'd been listening to books on tape while driving back and forth to work and they've worked like a charm. As long as the book is good and I'm not in a rush, I don't mind gridlock - it is just an opportunity to listen to a few more chapters. For a while I didn't mind the length of my commute. The radio that I've listened to since I returned the books on tap has gotten my hackles up. No, I'm not talking about the music these young kids listen to. I'm talking about when radio hosts inject their beliefs into their purportedly non-political program. (Say that a couple of times fast).

One show that I listen to regularly is the afternoon 590 AM show with Bob and Kevin. The only reason that I listen to it is that 1380 AM cuts its signal around 5:00pm. I've written about these guys before. I'm still waiting for the day when Bob is something other than an absolute suck up. Lately the talk has been about the police beating in St. Louis. Kevin seems to think that the officers were completely justified now matter what they did. Bob agrees. Yesterday one caller said that he thought that the police's excessive force was justified. Hello! They call it EXCESSIVE force because it is TOO MUCH force. TOO MUCH force is never justified. It would be justifiable force or appropriate force then. I still haven't seen the clip, but from the descriptions I've heard it seems as if the police stopped beating the guy when they realized they were being filmed. If you stop doing something when someone sees you do it, isn't that a good sign that you were doing something that you shouldn't have been doing to begin with. Police officers have a tough job. But part of their job is to use an appropriate amount of force when necessary to get their job done. Smearing the line too far just makes their job harder. See the mess from the Iraqi detention center in Abu Gerib (sp?) for an example.


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