Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Diet Day 12

Breakfast: Eggs
AM Snack: Hummus with broccoli and zuchini
Lunch: Salad with chicken and edamame
PM Snack: Cheese Stick, Veggies
Dinner: Turkey, Green Bean Casserole
Dessert: Butterscotch Sugar free pudding

- It was sort of a skimpy breakfast today. I just didn't take the time to make it. I wanted to give Oliver something to eat besides eggs, so I gave him some orange. I've found that it is easier/cleaner to bite into the orange section than to use a knife, but harder not to do the old "one for you, one for me" deal. Especially when you are dieting.

- It's gaming night tonight. In an effort to divest ourselves with the rest of the turkey from this weekend I'm bringing dinner. I'll stop on the way there to pick up soda, rolls, and a dessert - few of which I'll get to eat. *grumble*

- One of the benefits to having been on the diet is that I got the idea of using veggies for dips. It's not exactly an earth-shattering discovery, but veggies are most filling than chips and broccoli and cauliflower are great for scooping us dips. Not to mention that veggies are healthier than chips. I'll likely make the change to veggies from chips going forward.

- I did a BFL run tonight. I wore my heart rate monitor and watched my heart rate get to 180. I'll have to check my resting heart rate when I get a new battery for the watch. After the BFL run, I did a hill workout. I didn't end up going that fast, but it was still hard. I'm looking forward to an easy day tomorrow.


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