Monday, April 10, 2006

Board Game Reviews

For Sale was a nice, light board game. The game plays quickly with two phases - property acquisition and property sale. It reminded me somewhat of a game of hearts/bridge in that the properties are numbered 1-30 with higher numbers "trumping" lower numbers in the property sale phase. With each game taking about 30 minutes, it was easy to segue from this game to the others once everyone arrived. This is one that I may go out and buy myself.

Cloud9 was described to be as a painless way to play chicken. The players are part of a skydiving club. The navigator rolls some number of dice and the players guess whether the cards in his hand match the die roll. If the other players guess that they won't match, they bail and then move a certain number of squares forward. If they match, the remaining players advance to a higher/more profitable place to jump from. The game play was a little kludgy but still enjoyable. I wouldn't however recommend buying this one.

Marracash is currently out of print. But it was so enjoyable that I have a hard time picturing why. The game takes place in the markets of Marracash. Players take on a mix of roles from shop owner to guide to auctioneer. As a shop owner, you get money from the tourist who visit your shop. As a guide, you get a cut from the proceeds when you lead a tourist into another player's shop. As an auctioneer, you auction off unowned shops in the market and get a cut of the sale price. The idea is to end the game with the most money. The game played quickly and appears to be quite deep in terms of strategy. If it weren't so hard to find, I might try and pick it up.

Caylas is similar to Puerto Rico. There are a number of similar mechanics and a number of variations on how to proceed. We got about a third of the way through before calling the game. I enjoyed this one, but I don't think it is the kind of game that I would want to purchase as I tend to like games that are a bit shorter in duration.

The last game we played was Sabotuer. In Sabotuer, the group is secretly divided into miners and saboteurs. The miners lay down tunnel sections leading toward the gold. The role of the saboteur is to stop the miners from reaching the gold. The game reminded me a cross between Miles Bourne and Pipe Works as you are creating a network to get to an end point and trying to avoid disasters along the way.


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