Sunday, April 09, 2006

Weekend Update

My weekend began on Friday when I went upstairs to get Oliver out of bed. As soon as I picked him up, I smelled that something was off. When I went to change him I knew that I wasn't going anywhere that day. In one of the most impressive displays of excrement that I've witnessed, Oliver had filled his diaper with diarrhea from tail bone to pubic bone. It was literally a ten-wiper as I tried not to fall over from the smell. After I got him changed, we went into the kitchen and he wanted a banana. All day long he was eerily pleasant until it came time to drop another load. I would think that he was going to pull out of it only to have him erupt again. So we stayed in only going out for a walk to the grocery store in order to pick up some Pedialyte which he despises and rake the front lawn. I tried to get him to take some breast milk from a sippy cup, but he was having none of it. Either he likes it still warmer than I had it or only straight from the tap.

Saturday ended up being more of the same. We had to cancel plans with the family on account of Oliver's fecal distress. I took Oliver on a walk to the zoo. We went through the River's Edge which worked fine until I went to take him out of his stroller. After he was free, he did not want to go back in. I finally managed to coax him back in and head off to Bread Co to meet up with Mommy.

Saturday night I left Oliver in the able care of his mother to go to a friend's house for Board Game Night. I got to play a couple of games that I'd never played before - For Sale, Cloud Nine, Marracash, Caylas, and Saboteur. I enjoyed all five of them. I'm looking forward to BGM2.

Sunday we walked up to Delmar to cheer on the participants in the St. Louis Marathon. After we got back, it was time for a nap for Oliver and Mommy. While they were sleeping, I got started on shifting books and furniture around in our mostly finished office. We're still a bit away from getting it working, but I'm hoping that we get it ready soon. When Oliver woke up I took him for a run. After the run, we finally had our first solid-ish poop of the weekend. Yay!

Since he was good to go, we could go to Paul and Sarahlynn's place for a BBQ. They reeally know how to cook for a BBQ. I got to see a lot of friends. It was nice to see everyone. While we were there, Oliver got to go headfirst down their speedy slide. I got to play Oliver-catcher. We finally took off near 8:00.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got to play Wallenstein, (the game, not the guy), which I liked very much as well. I had the same problem with it as you did with Caylas though, it's so long. The tower mechanic was great. Fear the tower for it is both Awesome and Terrible.

10:34 AM  

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