Sunday, April 09, 2006

A Casualty in the Mommy Wars

Avid readers of my blog (all two of you) may have caught a post that I had up on Thursday unmasking the identity of Anonymous. As happens all too frequently in the information age, the post was made without all the facts. The facts that I had fed into the assumptions that I made leading me to the wrong conclusion. As you can imagine, the party that I named is quite pissed at me and rightfully so. I just hope that our relationship is not irrepairably strained because of it. The party in question tracked down Anonymous, and Anonymous apologized to the named party. I need to do so as well.

Where I went off track was the tone of the comments that were directed to me about me. I thought that only someone who knew me personally and hated me would get that personal in attempting to hurt me. It wasn't just that Anonymous told me that I was a dork (when it's as plain as the nose on your face it's hard to deny), but Anonymous attempted to subvert the trust that I have in my friends and family. I'd like to thank my friends who came to my defense. You guys rock. For family, that's my fault. I didn't take into consideration the very personal nature of the topic. I've talked a bit about how personal people take it when someone suggests that they may not be raising their children as well as they can, but I didn't take my own words to heart.


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