Friday, May 19, 2006

Book of Questions

In college, I stumbled across the Book of Questions. It's a book filled with 200 thought/discussion provoking questions that asks questions across a whole range of topics. I thought I'd ask myself a random question and post the answer here. If anyone wants me to ask them a question, chime in in the comments.

Question #95: If by sacrificing your life you could contribute so much to the world that you would be honored in all nations, would you be willing to do so? If so, would you do so knowing that someone you thoroughly disliked would receive the honor while you went unrecognized?

Answer: I wouldn't. The honor and fame are not important to me. The only way I'd do it is if the lives of my family were at stake. I know that there are people who do this all the time like soldiers, but I don't think that I could be one of them.

Question #29: Have you ever hated anyone? If so, why and for how long?

Answer: Yes, I have. I've been a geek since I could stumble. I spent most of my grade school years as a sort of outcast. There were only 30 kids in the class and I wasn't one of the cool kids. In a sports-centric culture, I wasn't good at sports. I was one of the smartest kids in my class and knew all of the answers. I was the butt of a lot of jokes. I was very unhappy and I blamed the cool kids for my being an outcast.

It wasn't really until high school that I stopped hating them. Once I got to high school, the pool of kids went from 30 to 700. I still wasn't one of the cool kids, but in a class of 700 it wasn't that big of a deal. I found my niche and was a lot happier. With some perspective, I could understand why I hadn't been accepted. I was able to move on. I reached a peace about where I'd been.


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