Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Active weekend

In contrast to many other weekends, this one was surprisingly busy. My wife and I decided (that is to say my wife decided and I concurred) that it was time to fix up the downstairs addition. The downstairs addition was the sole remaining room in the living area that we hadn't yet worked on the walls to any significant degree. So on Thursday night we moved all of the stuff that was in the room out into the dining room and started working on it. By Friday night we had gotten much of the loose paint scraped off. Saturday we dropped Oliver off with grandma and got a layer of spackle up. It was looking like we were going to get it done this weekend.

But then we went to a family birthday party. At the party my wife talked with her brother about different rough textures that we could apply to the walls to camoflage the roughness of the surface underneath. She decided that she really liked the look of "knockdown," but it wasn't something that we were going to be able to get done ourselves due to the difficulty of doing it right. So the game plan changed from "let's finish it" to "let's just get it into a less embarassing shape."

The rest of the weekend blurred into Oliver time, spackle time, and barbecues. We put up some more spackle before we went to sleep Saturday night. Sunday I took Oliver in the morning so that my wife could get some work done. Sunday afternoon was a BBQ at a friend's place. Monday I was on Oliver watching duty. Tuesday we ran a race in the morning and then I watched Oliver while my wife took a long overdue nap. Tuesday afternoon was another BBQ and then I painted the walls white last night. We still have to move the stuff back into the room before my parents arrive on Thursday night.


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