Friday, December 01, 2006


Over the past couple of weeks, we've been talking to family and friends. While the holidays certainly played part in our conversations, the big annoucement was that

We're Having Another Baby!


The next addition to our household will be arriving sometime towards the end of May or early June. The answers to everyone's questions are
1) Of course, we are going to find out what sex it is. Just as soon as it is born.
2) We were able to conceive the old-fashioned way - no doctors, no shots, no IUI.
3) Oliver is excited about being a big brother. He seems to be leaning towards having a sister, but I don't think he's nailed down any strong preference.
4) We haven't come up with a good in-the-womb name yet. I'm leaning towards calling it Dido, but my wife has veto power.

We intentionally told my parents first (actually we told Oliver first, but I don't think he'll remember that). I called them on their anniversary. I told them that I wanted to wish them a happy anniversary at the same time. When they put me on speaker I wished them a happy anniversary. I told them that I had forgot to send flowers and begged their forgiveness. Then I said that I made something not strictly for them but that they would love to see it. "What is it?" "We're expecting a new baby." They were quite pleased to hear it.

The next day we were at my sister-in-law's place for a niece's birthday. I figured that my wife would eventually get around to spilling the beans, but she said that I could do it. We were in the kitchen later talking about how birthdays closer to the holidays are just so hard. "Well, our next one will have six months in between, so that will be okay." They caught on immediately.

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