Sunday, February 03, 2008


My wife and I have very different organizational styles. It usually isn't a problem until one of us decides that it is time to clean the house. My wife's style is to create a number of small piles of related items scattered throughout the house. She knows what is in each stack, but, to my untrained eye, it all resembles piles of crap scattered throughout the house. My style is to have a place for everything and to put everything in its place. When I come across stuff that I don't have a place for, I create a stuff I don't have a place for pile. So I take her scattered organized piles and merge them into one large disorganized pile. But I know where that pile is and I have a place to put the myriad of crap that I don't otherwise have a place for.

For day-to-day cleaning, I do a lot of what gets done. I'll vacuum when the opportunity presents itself. I'm usually the dish washer, the toy replacer, the laundry worker, and the remover of cat vomit (for often than I'd like). Dish replacer, floor sweeper, and spill wiper are equal opportunity tasks. My wife tends to gravitate to the larger projects. She's the wall spackler, kitchen rearranger, and room decorator as well as duster, bed maker, and bathroom cleaner. In some ways it's a flawed system because anything that isn't covered by the lists above tends to build up.


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