Monday, August 15, 2005

Furniture shopping part II

With young Oliver getting ready to start crawling, my wife and I went furniture shopping this weekend in search of an entertainment center. Our requirements were 1) it would fit but not dwarf our 27" TV, 2) it should have pocket doors, 3) it would preferably have a darker finish, 4) it should be solid wood and not particle board, and 5) we should be able to get the piece for close to $800.

Pieper's had nothing in stock like what we needed. Thomasville and Ethan Allen were amazingly overpriced. We finally found something at Broyhill at Brentwood Crossing that was close to what we were looking at. The salesman greeted us with the "good news" that everything was marked down 20%. The piece that we were looking at was marked down to "only $920" (pre-tax) We told the salesman that we were looking to spend more like $800. As we were leaving the store, he hailed us and said that he felt like a used car salesman and $920 was the most that he could offer, but he'd go to see his manager to see what he could do. When he came back he said that his manager would go as low as $860 (pre-tax) - any more and they wouldn't cover their costs. I'm thinking that it was amazing that exactly halfway between what we wanted to spend and their sale price was the amount at which they would not make their profits below. The used car salesman disguise seems to be holding up. Post-tax even $860 is over $900, so we're still in the market for an entertainment center.

Oliver's not crawling yet, but he's on his way. If only we could say the same about the entertainment center.


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