Monday, August 29, 2005

This weekend

This weekend was an extraordinarily productive weekend in the Rock household. Friday my wife stopped by Schnucks and picked up the Rug Doctor. While she steam-cleaned away to her heart's content on Friday and Saturday, Oliver and I went for walks. By the end of the day on Saturday the house smelled much less like cat urine than it had for a long time.

Sunday dawned bright and early in the Rock household. My wife and I decided to do some rearrangement of the furniture. Which would have worked well, except Oliver did not enjot being confined as we circled about him carrying heavy objects. We decided to call Sarahlynn and Paul to see if they could watch Oliver while we hefted and shifted. We were in luck - they had nothing more strenuous planned than a trip to the pool. My wife took Oliver to their house and dropped him off. We spent the rest of the day moving furniture about.

In the family room, we moved the TV in front of the windows in anticipation of having an entertainment center. Then we moved the couch against the fireplace, conceding that it is unlikely that we'll ever pay to fix it. The love seat fit in the spot vacated by the TV and a recliner came down from exile to take the place of a chaise lounge that had been downstairs. The net effect is that there is a lot more space in the family room and Oliver's toys have a corner that they can move into.

In our bedroom, we took apart the frame and shoved the bed in the corner of the room. That opened up a nice sized area so that we could place our night stands by the corner of the bed and put the chaise lounge from downstairs into our bedroom. This arrangement helps us with our peace of mind since Oliver still sleeps with us and can now crawl. We'll be buying some pillows to surround the bed in the case that he should crawl off the edge.

At the end of the day, we were pretty pleased with all that we were able to accomplish. It took us back to the days B.O. when we were able to be much more productive. But I think that we'll definitely take all of the days P.O.


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